Original Artwork by Anna Ritter
Working out of a small home studio in the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges.
Drawing inspiration from Chinese medicine, spiritual themes and mythology;
and influenced by the abundant green landscape of her local area.
The Bao Mai
Original artwork and prints available for purchase
The Bao Mai
Divine connection of Heart and Womb.
The Heart space. House of the Shen, the spark of divine light from the Heavens.
The Womb. The deepest, darkest home of Yin, from where all life begins.
The connection between the two: the Bao Mai, the Uterus Vessel.
The inspiration for this piece came to me while in Corpse Pose, after a Yin yoga class: the image of the snaking cords of light travelling from a heart aflame to the womb. The energy and connection between these two Empty Centres was as vivid, bright and instantaneous as a lightning strike.
She came together quickly, I enjoyed working with the simple, bright colours. Her energy felt wild, like tapping in to the divine feminine, bold, light and dark together. Power and soft sensuality.
Flashes of metallic gold and blue to signify the radiance coming from her, and the creative magic that comes from the Bao Mai connection.
Acrylic on canvas.
24” x 36”